Saturday 27 September 2014

What I Wore At... Darlia @ Rescue Rooms

On Thursday I finally got to see Darlia, I have tried several times this summer to see them at different festivals and gigs, but usually because of clashes or us being late, we failed miserably! They were playing at Nottingham Rescue Rooms, this being one of my favourite venues (I've seen so many of my faves here!) made it an absolute must go!
I don't think I've ever ran so quick for a train as I did on Thursday night after work! When I got to Nottingham I met up with Ashton and we went for food, I was absolutely starving so we went to one of our favourite haunts Spankys! I never need to look at the menu in this place as they have my fave buttermilk chicken and Fruli(fruit beer) on tap!
We moved onto Rescue Rooms after we'd eaten for a couple of drinks before moving into the main room to watch Darlia. (We missed the support as per!) Darlia played quite a short 35 minute set, but as they don't actually have an album yet I expected this! They were absolutely fab and the comparisons from critics to Nirvana certainly ring true, singer Nathan definitely has a Kurt like gristle to his voice. This band are definitely one to watch so make sure you get listening to their EPs, or even try and catch their energetic sets whilst they are on their UK tour (although I'm pretty sure it's unfortunately nearly finished.)
I took a few snaps but these are the best two of a very bad bunch!!

As the gig was on a weekday it had quite an early curfew, so we decided it was allowed to stay out for a few more drinks! (Very naughty on a work night!!) A new bar opened this week in Nottingham 'The Bunker' so we decided we'd go an check it out, we'd also heard a sneaky rumour that there was a free bar (definitely a plus anyday of the week!). As we entered we were given two drinks vouchers which allowed us to choose from a selection of fab drinks. The actual bar itself was down a staircase underground in a 'bunker', the dimly let decor kept with the American bunker vibe with beer pong being on offer also! We chose our two free drinks a 'Refresher' cocktail, that tasted just like the sweet and a Jam Doughnut shot, Chambord and Blue Curacao with sugar tipped glass and topped with squirty cream. They were both so tasty, the menu looked so fab and there were so many other cocktails and shooters on offer that we wanted to try! We'll definitely be back!

For the gig I decided to wear another recent bargain I purchased from Primark, a tie dye maxi skirt and my new chokers! The outfit definitely had quite a hippie/boho feel! I've recently found a new love in maxi skirts, I haven't ever really been a fan but this season I am loving them! They are absolutely perfect for covering up a little in the colder Autumn weather!

Black Crop Top - Miss Selfridge
Tie Dye Maxi Skirt - Primark
Black Chunky Boots - Primark
Tattoo Choker - eBay
Peace Choker - eBay
Turquoise Silver Bracelet - Primark
Chunky Silver Rings - Primark
Lipstick - MAC,  Diva

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